Urticaria and Angiodema Treatment in Surrey

Dr Sivanie Sewell - Dermatologist.

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What is urticaria (hives) and angiodema?

Urticaria, also known as hives, weals, welts or nettle rash is a condition which presents as extremely itchy, red or white, blotchy, raised, round or linear swellings of varying shapes and sizes. Typically each individual affected area resolves within 24 hours, though the episode of urticaria can last much longer. Urticaria can be associated with angioedema where there is swelling of the eyelids, hands, feet, lips or tongue. Urticaria and angioedema may occur just once, or come and go over a period of several months or years. Urticaria and angioedema are often incredibly distressing due to their appearance and urticaria causes an incredibly itchy sensation, which is often all consuming. Affected individuals often find themselves avoiding social situations or feeling very anxious about whether their condition will flare up on the day of an important event or social engagement.

How can Dr Sewell treat urticaria and angiodema?

Dr Sewell has the experience to treat everything from the mildest of urticaria and angioedema to the most severe, whilst identifying potential triggers and using the most effective treatments as part of your personalised management plan.

Urticaria and angiodema appointments in Surrey

Dr Sivanie Sewell offers appointments for the treatment of urticaria and angiodema. Appointments are available at Spire Gatwick Park Hopistal in Horely (Surrey) and Ashtead Hospital in Ashtead (Surrey), convenient locations for the surrounding areas of Cheam, Surbiton, Wimbledon, Kingswood, Richmond, Dormansland, Bletchingley, Virgina Water, Ashtead, Oxted, Dormansland, Horsham, Leatherhead, Epsom, Reigate, Redhill and Dorking.

To have your skin condition managed by an expert BOOK AN APPOINTMENT with Dr Sewell today.


"I cannot recommend her highly enough. She has a lovely manner and consults you all the time and gives excellent feedback summaries of what she has done."

Patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital

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