Psoriasis Treatment in Surrey

Dr Sivanie Sewell - Dermatologist.

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What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic condition which occurs due to inflammation of the skin and increased turnaround of skin cells. Psoriasis presents as itchy or painful red, silvery-white scaly patches and plaques commonly on the knees and elbows, but can occur anywhere including the scalp and genitals and can also cause nail changes. Psoriasis can also affect the joints causing psoriatic arthritis which presents as joint stiffness, swelling and pain and a Rheumatologist can help with the joint problem. Psoriasis often affects one’s self esteem and mood and moderate to severe psoriasis increases one’s risk of heart disease and stroke. Effective treatment of psoriasis could reduce these risks and improve your mood and self esteem. Although, psoriasis cannot be cured, it can be controlled dramatically with an effective treatment plan, weight loss (if you are overweight), moderating alcohol consumption and smoking cessation.

How can Dr Sewell treat Psoriasis?

Dr Sewell has the skills to correctly diagnose your psoriasis and put together a personalised treatment plan to control your psoriasis and where possible clear your skin and nails with the aim to improve your quality of life.

Psoriasis appointments in Surrey

Dr Sivanie Sewell offers appointments for the treatment of Psoriasis. Appointments are available at Spire Gatwick Park Hopistal in Horely (Surrey) and Ashtead Hospital in Ashtead (Surrey), convenient locations for the surrounding areas of Cheam, Surbiton, Wimbledon, Kingswood, Richmond, Dormansland, Bletchingley, Virgina Water, Ashtead, Oxted, Dormansland, Horsham, Leatherhead, Epsom, Reigate, Redhill and Dorking.

To take the first step to better control of your skin and nails BOOK AN APPOINTMENT with Dr Sewell today.


"Dr Sewell was very thorough, helpful and good to talk to. I felt relieved to be able to talk to someone with her expertise."

Patient from Spire Gatwick Park Hospital

Dr Sewell in the Press and Social Media

BBC News Refinery29 The People's Friend Follow on Facebook Follow on Instagram
British Association of Dermatologists
British Cosmetic Dermatology Group
Royal College of Physicians
The Royal Society of Medicine

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