Pruritus Treatment in Surrey

Dr Sivanie Sewell - Dermatologist.

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What is Pruritus (itching)?

Pruritus is itching and refers to the sensation on your skin which results in a need to scratch. Pruritus is a normal physiological response to protect us against harmful events such as insect bites. However, pruritus is a common symptom of many skin conditions and may also occur without a rash due to underlying health issues or psychological conditions or maybe a side effect of medications. In some people there is no underlying cause and in the elderly it is often due to dry skin. Pruritus maybe localised to one or more body parts or generalised all over. If there is an underlying cause, treating the underlying cause will sometimes lead to resolution of the itching, though often topical treatments, medications or even phototherapy is needed to improve or resolve the itching. Pruritus is extremely distressing and often affects one’s sleep, ability to concentrate, ability to work and one’s quality of life.

How can Dr Sewell treat Pruritus?

Dr Sewell fully appreciates how troubling pruritus is and has the expertise to formulate a highly personalised management plan which may include blood tests, a urine test and a chest X-ray where appropriate, with the aim to restoring your quality of life as quickly as possible.

Pruritus appointments in Surrey

Dr Sivanie Sewell offers appointments for the treatment of Pruritus. Appointments are available at Spire Gatwick Park Hopistal in Horely (Surrey) and Ashtead Hospital in Ashtead (Surrey), convenient locations for the surrounding areas of Cheam, Surbiton, Wimbledon, Kingswood, Richmond, Dormansland, Bletchingley, Virgina Water, Ashtead, Oxted, Dormansland, Horsham, Leatherhead, Epsom, Reigate, Redhill and Dorking.

To take the first step to better control of your itching BOOK AN APPOINTMENT with Dr Sewell today.


"Dr Sewell is excellent in her approach. She listens and takes the necessary actions. Would recommend to anyone wanting to be treated by a skilled Dermatologist."

Patient from Spire Gatwick Park Hospital

Dr Sewell in the Press and Social Media

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British Association of Dermatologists
British Cosmetic Dermatology Group
Royal College of Physicians
The Royal Society of Medicine

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