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Dr Sewell offers a full body mole / skin check for skin cancer service and this involves a thorough head to toe examination of your skin and moles. A medical device called a dermatoscope is used during this service.
Early detection of changing moles and freckles, pre-cancerous lesions and skin cancers, through regular monitoring and examination is extremely important and everyone should monitor their moles, freckles and all of their skin regularly. Dr Sewell recommends that everyone examines their moles and all of their skin once a month.
Accurate detection and diagnosis of changing moles and freckles, pre-cancerous lesions and skin cancers save lives and if caught and treated early enough lead to a 100% chance of survival. However, if left undetected and left to develop, some skin cancers can be fatal. Dermatologists, like Dr Sewell are doctors who have the highest level of training in assessing and if needed treating and removing moles, pre-cancerous lesions and skin cancers.
Some people find it difficult to know if there are any changes or concerning features when they check their skin or if there are new lesions particularly in areas which are difficult to see such as their back or scalp and they often find a full body mole / skin check by a Dermatologist for an expert assessment helpful and reassuring.
People who have had a skin cancer e.g. basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, or pre-cancerous lesions e.g. actinic keratoses are at higher risk of skin cancer in the future and should consider having annual full body mole / skin checks.
Anyone on an immunosuppressive medications are also at higher risk of developing skin cancers and should have annual full body mole / skin checks.
Dr Sewell is an expert skin cancer specialist and skin surgeon and can carry out either a one off or regular expert full body mole / skin check for you and if needed treat and remove anything concerning quickly. Dr Sewell runs her Dermatology practice in multiple places throughout the week and is able to see you quickly, without a long wait for an appointment.
To start the first step of your full body mole / skin check for skin cancer BOOK AN APPOINTMENT with Dr Sewell today.
PLEASE NOTE: Makeup and nail varnish should not be worn to a full body mole / skin check appointment. Dr Sewell only sees patients age 18 and above.
"Extremely satisfied! The results were better than I had ever thought possible!"
Miss C. from Horsham
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