Arrange a consultation or procedure with Dr Sewell today... BOOK APPOINTMENT
Dr Sewell removes lumps and bumps and non-cancerous lesions for cosmetic reasons or if they are troublesome and pre-cancerous lesions. In all instances, she will initially assess the lesion to make a diagnosis which will then determine the most appropriate method to remove it. Removal methods and treatment include cryotherapy, curettage and cautery, shave excision, snip excision, incision, excision or the use of a cream.
Cryotherapy is a very quick treatment, without the need for surgery or local anaesthetic which works by freezing the cells with a spray of liquid nitrogen for a few seconds. Sometimes more than one session of cryotherapy is needed to remove the lesion.
Curettage and cautery involves local anaesthetic injection, followed by the removal of the lesion by scraping it off with a loop device, then a heat course is applied to the skin to stop any bleeding.
Shave excision involves local anaesthetic injection, followed by the removal of the lesion with a scalpel using a horizontal cut, then a solution or a heat sources is applied to stop any bleeding.
Snip excision involves the removal of the lesion with a surgical grade scissors, then either a solution or heat source is applied to stop any bleeding. If the lesion is large local anaesthetic injection maybe needed.
Incision is usually used to remove lipomas and involves local anaesthetic injection, followed by a small cut into the skin to remove the lipoma, then sutures are applied.
Excision involves local anaesthetic injection, followed by the removal of the lesion by cutting out the lesion as well as a margin of healthy skin around it with a scalpel, then stopping the bleeding with a heat source, then sutures and a dressing are applied.
In all instances, Dr Sewell will advise you on how to care for the area after your procedure. All procedures inevitably carry some degree of scarring, but Dr Sewell is a trained skin surgeon and uses techniques to minimise scarring and often the scars are barely noticeable.
For certain pre-cancerous lesions, creams maybe used to treat the lesions effectively and Dr Sewell will choose the best cream for you as part of your personalised management plan.
Dr Sivanie Sewell offers appointments for the removal of lesions, lumps and bumps. Appointments are available at Spire Gatwick Park Hopistal in Horely (Surrey) and Ashtead Hospital in Ashtead (Surrey), convenient locations for the surrounding areas of Cheam, Surbiton, Wimbledon, Kingswood, Richmond, Dormansland, Bletchingley, Virgina Water, Ashtead, Oxted, Dormansland, Horsham, Leatherhead, Epsom, Reigate, Redhill and Dorking.
To take the first step towards the removal of those unwanted lumps and bumps, non-cancerous lesions or pre-cancerous lesions BOOK AN APPOINTMENT with Dr Sewell today. If you are looking to have your lump or bump removed on the same day as your consultation, please discuss this with my PA.
"I received excellent care from Dr Sewell, she is an extremely kind and caring doctor and I had great confidence in her from the moment I met her."
Patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
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